miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Half Chance

It was going so well until I got stuck,
my second voice always ready to attack.

Why play pocker if you know she's got the Jack?
I should've remembered to watch my back.

One path has it's way; and the other has another one.
The present becomes confusing and the past is no fun.

What happens changes, if there's something you haven't done.
Crossroad ahead but you can't think cause they tell you to run.

Try to keep the balance between the kind of choices,
walk the thin line that devides good and evil acts.

Be your own self again and ignore the little voices,
look deep into your eyes and remember the facts.

1 comentario:

  1. this is a good one.
    no dejo de pensar tu proyecto, aunq aparente no estar. se q percibis mucho mas de lo q enfrentaas y compartis. veo mas allá de lo q mostras y lo q esta en tu poder sacar a la luz. no te juzgo como los demas. mi campo de atencion no pasa por lo superficial y aparente.
    la vida es una linea de tiempo, nada es definitivo ni establecido, es el proceso q hay detras. ahi no hay exigencias ni apuros ni engaños ni falsas filosofias, lo q no parte de la esencia cae derribado debil ante el avance implacable del progreso de la conciencia, asi todo llega, fluye... y yo fluyo con vos.
    nos mantendremos a flote juntas.

    i miss you.
    & i love you.
