lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

All And Nothing

Relax woman! Stop biting your nails, it’s useless.
Take a breather, have a smoke.

_ That’s better. Now, what is it you want to say?
_ I’m not sure... What can I say, that hasn’t been said before?
_ I’m sure that there’s a lot more to say... Or maybe just to make us remember...
_ You think I want to remind you something? Or should I?
_ I don’t know, you haven’t said anything yet (or written) How do I know if it’s something worth knowing, or even remembered?
_ Okay, but what should we talk about? Life and death, human relations... The Earth and all that surrounds us, Nature... The elements, the thunderstorms and the sunny days... A flower?... We could talk about life in other planets or about the 2012 prophecies... O just about love. It’s hard to choose, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How about our souls? Even harder to put it in words...
_ Interesting points, how far can you take it? What else occupies your thoughs?
_ Family, or the magic of youth. Dreams and imagination. A painting or the language of babies. The trees and the grass and the sunsets. Again, love?... I don’t know if the alphabet, the letters can hold what is there to see... Or even the words to say it. The big bang and all the theories? Darwin’s human evolution or Adam and Eve with their apple?... Or all of the questions that have no answers?... How about silence? And darkness? Holes... And timeless shadows. Nothing.
_ That sounds like a good-bye, is it?
_ No, it’s a greeting to the unknown. It’s seeing what’s there to see... Everything. Feeling in soul more than in bodies and wondering about life.
_ But we can all wonder... What about knowing?
_ Sure, but we have to accept the fact that there’s always more to know. That some are just questions about questions, all answered but someone else. And how did he know? Who gave them the answers, and who stands against them?... To happiness there’s sadness, to light there’s dark and to everything there’s nothing. If up, then down...
_ To sound, silence... To words...

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